Lis Pendens, meaning "pending lawsuit" in Latin, is a public notice indicating ongoing litigation involving real property. A Lis Pendens is a formal notice filed with the county recorder's office, used to indicate that a legal action involving real property is pending in Texas.Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. Fill out the Protected Property Claim Form, including the Certificate of Service. Purchasers filed two Notices of Lis Pendens in the Denton County and Dallas County real property records. Sellers moved to expunge the Notices. Purchasers filed two Notices of Lis Pendens in the Denton County and Dallas County real property records. Such reports typically identify all material defects in the property, from a broken oven in the kitchen to a leak in the basement. Please note that the park tour was filmed at various times between 2022 and 2024 and lodges may have been upgraded during this time.