For additional information, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 954-357-8708​​. More County Volunteer Opportunities​.Broward County does not encourage local governments to locate special residential facilities in commercial, office park or community facilities areas. An individual seeking a civil domestic violence injunction between the hours of pm to am on Monday to Thursday, or pm Friday to am Monday. We manage over 1 million acres of state forests for multiple public uses, including timber, recreation and wildlife habitat. Broward's Sheriff's Office 2601 West Broward Blvd. A Building Safety Inspection Program (BORA Policy 05-05) for Buildings and Structures that are 25 years of age or older. This funding to serve the needs of Broward County residents through their LETF programs and project activities. To reach our office, call or text 954-316-9907, or fill out the form on our Contact Us page. Broward Health adding medical specialists and high-rise office buildings.