Looking for Law Firm Space to Rent or Lease in NYC? Find the perfect law firm space with Metro Manhattan.The Fulton County Public Defender's Office represents indigent individuals in town, village, city, county and family courts as well as drug court. Compare 57 attorneys in Fulton County, New York on Justia. The District Attorney is responsible for prosecuting all crimes in Fulton County, which is made up of 10 town courts, 2 city courts and County Court. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. The Office of The Public Defender, Atlanta Judicial Circuit, ensures all accused indigent defendants have guaranteed fundamental constitutional rights. Listed below are brief descriptions of common types of child care programs in New York State. For assistance, call 614-963-9569. Please call our offices or fill out the form on our site to schedule a free consultation.