Open Space Areas consist of undeveloped grasslands, woodlands and shrublands that are adjacent to residential development (wildland urban interfaces). Through Regenerate NY, landowners can apply for financial assistance for projects on their land that support the establishment and renewal of healthy forests.An ongoing series of interviews with Extension foresters. Get to know your county forester and then give them a call to join you on a walk in the woods. A permit from our Natural Resources unit is required on all site development and subdivision projects prior to beginning any land alteration activities. These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Planning projects initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools, and other stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs. County Foresters provide technical assistance to meet the goals of today's private forest landowners through implementation of sustainable forestry principles. In addition to the forms and applications below, more can be found at EPC Forms and Applications page.