You can get a referral to a lawyer or legal aid group from the Local Bar Association in Santa Clara County. Their phone number is 669-302-7803 .Call Attorney Search Network toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out our online form for a Santa Clara County lawyer referral. Ensures you have a voice in the criminal justice process and provides you with the support you need during this difficult time. Public Defender Main Office 120 West Mission Street San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: (408) 299-7700 View on map Connect with an attorney from the Pro Bono Project for a FREE, 20 minute legal advice appointment on the phone. Wednesdays. 4 – 6 PM. Single Button Module. If you're in need of a San Jose family law attorney in Santa Clara County that can help with a variety of family law issues call 408-724-8930! She is not an attorney but is super knowledge on how to fill out the correct form that I need. Fill out the contact form or call us at (408) 436-0789 to schedule your free consultation.