Forms indicated as fillable may be filled out electronically. This is an article that outlines how to fill out the forms but let's just do it together.1. I have the actual care and custody of minor child. Forms ; FL-305, Temporary Orders ; FL-311, Child Custody And Visitation Application Attachment ; FL-312, Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders. 76 to 100 of 167 Next 25 Forms Last 25 Forms. You will need to fill out a financial affidavit and an inventory of property form after you complete the Pre-Trial Statement. I have the actual care and custody of minor child ______, who is my (filial relationship to the child, if any). SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this. by. in. You will need to fill out a financial affidavit and an inventory of property form after you complete the Pre-Trial Statement. Affidavit Regarding Minor Children: This form describes what children the Paternity.