Mail this Sworn Statement, application, payment, and a photocopy of your valid Photo ID to: Lucy Adame-Clark, Bexar County Clerk, 100 Dolorosa, Ste. How to fill out the Affidavit Sworn Statement - Texas Notarized Document?Completing and signing Form I-864 makes you the sponsor. Customer: how do you file a general affidavit in bexar county? The Forms Directory is for professional use ONLY. Attempting to use a form without legal instruction can have severe and long-lasting negative consequences. This resource directory is meant to provide information about organizations that offer services and support to undocumented students and families. To start the declaration, the person should state their complete name and address, as well as their country of citizenship. Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day of. "(Personalized Seal)" in the following examples means a seal containing the words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points, the notary.