Court Forms, Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. The customer would have to fill in the blanks for the factual information customizing the will to his or her own needs.Try our easy-to-use interactive forms: Guided help using personalized questions online to help create the forms you need to print and file with the Clerk. Florida Statute 914.22 prohibits any action intended to influence, hinder, or prevent a witness from testifying truthfully in a legal proceeding. "Under Florida Law, anyone may file a lawsuit against anyone, at any time, for any reason. It is up to the Court to determine the validity of the complaint. The Clerk's Office makes many of its forms available online so they may be printed, filled out, and turned in to the appropriate departments. Report the violation in the county where the violation occurred and complete an affidavit in support of the violation. Family Law Financial Affidavit (Short Form). Form Number. 12.902(b).