I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. MC-030. When properly filled out, this form meets California requirements under Probate Code 13100-13117. 1.Si está solicitando una Copia Autorizada Certificada, complete todo el formulario y adjunte la Declaración. This affidavit is for victims of identity theft. To avoid delays do not use this form if you have already filed a Form 14039 for this incident. How do I fill out my quitclaim deed, grant deed, Affidavit of Death, etc.? Number and Type, Tax Year, Title. Forms. This instruction sheet is intended to provide basic directions on how to complete Form CA 114. Estudiante pueden realizar una declaración jurada por escrito (ver formulario D2 adjunto) que verifique el domicilio. Affidavit of Publication Mail-In or Drop-Off Form, County Clerk.