Affidavits are written in firstperson format, which means you should begin your sentences with "I. Use this form to swear under oath in writing to facts that you personally know.The first step is to get the correct affidavit form, which can vary based on the jurisdiction and purpose. I,. (Name of Signer), being duly sworn on oath, state that I have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein, that the answers are true and. Verify statements for legal matters and business transactions using our Illinois general affidavit form template. Approved Statewide Forms — Financial Affidavit, The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. Enter your complete address, telephone number, and email address, if you have one. Affidavit for Service. If more room is needed to complete any of the following sections, include an attachment. Affidavit of Special Process Server.