After the Affidavit of Service is done, it must be filed with the Court. An affidavit is a sworn statement of fact that can be used in a variety of legal proceedings, from bankruptcy cases to family and civil litigation matters.Required documentary proof must be submitted with the affidavit and must include full name and birth date. An Affidavit is a sworn statement made before the clerk or notary public which explains to the court why your request should be granted. An affidavit is a legal document that is very similar to a witness's sworn testimony in a court of law. Learn about the requirements for preparing and filing a civil complaint, including how to prepare a summons, along with some cautions. Every owner of the property (owners of record) must sign this affidavit. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary. AFFIDAVIT – A sworn statement in writing, such as Affidavit Terminating Joint Tenancy, Affidavit of Proof of Annual Labor. Your spouse can be served anywhere – at home, at work, etc.