The Assessor's Office maintains the official real property mailing address records for Clark County. The form can be filled out and submitted in PDF format.Affidavit - AFFT (FAM). ASET. Affidavit for Order Ext Time to Serve Summons and Complaint - ASET (FAM). ASBP. This Index is updated periodically. Internet Forms are added, deleted, and revised frequently. Below is a list of the civil district court forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. Commonly Requested Forms The Assessor's Office makes a number of forms available to property owners and taxpayers to manage their property. Below is a list of the civil district court forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. Some students come to Clark and complete one academic level and then enroll in another program at Clark.