The Corrective Affidavit must be completed, and attached to the original or a certified copy of the document that is to be re-recorded. On. (Date), before me,.CHECK AND COMPLETE ONE of the following statements that correctly applies to you, the undersigned. Forms ; DE-120, Notice of Hearing-Decedents Estate or Trust ; DE-121, Notice of Petition to Administer Estate ; DE-131, Proof of Subscribing Witness. The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. Contra costa superior court - form packets. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. Inquirers can visit the presiding courthouse to fill out a record request form. Facsimile-produced documents submitted for filing with the court must comply with CRC 2.300, and all Contra Costa County Rules of Court. The Superior Court of Contra Costa County is conducting an open recruitment to fill Courtroom Clerk positions.