Use this form to show they have adequate means of financial support and are not likely to rely on the US government for financial support. Instructions for completing an Absent Applicant Affidavit.ALL Affidavit's must be Notarized. When you sponsor an immigrant family member, you may need to file an Affidavit of Support (Form I-864). Here's what you need to know. You might need an Affidavit of Support when applying for a green card. Assistantship Affidavit for F-1 Students, This form can be used to show funding for I-20 issuance. We have 3 days to deadline for submitting Affidavit of Support (30 days after interview) and have no clue how to go about finding out. Once you enter the name and date of birth, click the details button. You can also use the citation number to pull it up.