Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. Affidavit of Heirship for a Motor Vehicle (VTR-262), VTR-262.Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Form), 14-317. Required Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. To schedule an appointment, contact the Dallas County Sheriff's Department North Texas Auto Theft Task Force at 214-653-3430. What are the fees to transfer a motor vehicle title? Fill Out Form 130U: The buyer completes this application form, available online or at local tax offices. This video will show you how to fill out your Texas title, notice of vehicle transfer, and application for title. To transfer a Texas titled vehicle, bring in or mail the following to our offices: 1. No need for VTR 346 as long as you complete the transfer in a timely manner.