For example, you may need a marriage certificate to claim a benefit. The New York State Unified Court System offers free instruction booklets and forms for people starting a divorce.You are required to make to the Court, under oath, a FULL DISCLOSURE of your income, net worth and financial condition on this form. Download the checklist of information you will need to complete this program. Start. Arrow Small Estate Affidavit Program. If you do not know an attorney and you live in the Atlanta Area, you should contact the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 404-521-0777. For example, if one spouse is alleging adultery in a divorce case, that spouse may file an affidavit of an eyewitness to the adultery. This form is necessary for securing a marriage license, which is required before the marriage ceremony can take place. It is important to read the attached instructions before completing each form. You must read the divorce procedure to choose the correct forms for your case.