EFiling is mandatory for attorneys, government agencies, and guardians ad litem who file documents in the Hennepin County District Court. The judgment creditor, or the creditor's agent or attorney must complete this form. 1.Enter the full title of the case. 2. The most common way to file for office is to pay a filing fee and complete an affidavit of candidacy (PDF, 1MB). All documents must be signed, dated and notarized. Sign the form before a Notary Public or before a Hennepin County District Court Clerk in the Civil Division. 6. Complete the appropriate affidavits; E-file the documents with the court. _ Fill out and sign the Affidavit of Compliance. Make three copies, one for you, one for mailing to your landlord, and one for filing with the court. Affidavit Regarding Certain Sales.