Completing and signing Form I-864 makes you the sponsor. By signing Form I-864EZ, you are agreeing to use your income and resources to support the intending immigrant named in this affidavit, if it becomes necessary.☐ I personally handed the documents to the ☐ plaintiff ☐ defendant, whose name is . Maryland Affidavit Templates. Use our Affidavit template to swear to the truthfulness of a statement or fact. The affidavit of support is required for all applications for immigrant visas or adjustment of status filed on or after December 19, 1997. The affidavit of support is required for certain immigrant applications for visas or adjustment of status filed on or after December 19, 1997. This is a template of a an Affidavit in Support for a Fee Waiver request from USCIS. Complete and attach this form to a complaint in a family case. NON-RESIDENT MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION - AFFIDAVIT.