➢All of the decedent's heirs agree to sign the form in the presence of a notary so that the vehicle can be transferred. This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide to completing form mvr 317 the affidavit of authority to assign title.Use form MV-902 (Application for Duplicate Title). Read and follow the directions in the "Owner Deceased" section located in Section 4 on the back of MV-902. The Affidavit of Authority to Assign Title (MVR317) form is unavailable online, but you can pick it up at the DMV. To transfer a vehicle's title, go to an NC Division of Motor Vehicles license plate agency or mail in the information outlined in the following steps. How to fill out the Affidavit of Heirship for Motor Vehicle Transfer? Call Student Placement at 980-343-5335 or the International Center at 980-343-3784 for more information. Looking for local rules and forms? Both fill out the physical certificate of title, and sign it.