â–¡ Lost (provide police precinct incident report). â–¡ Stolen (provide police precinct incident report).State of New York Title No. ss: County of ______ Account No.______. Confirm under oath that a court document was lost. To find Affidavits of Service go to Forms, visit a Court Help Center or ask the Court for one, most Courts will have this. Recover lost promissory notes with ease. As of January 1, 2024, New York CPLR Rule 2106 is amended to permit that an affirmed statement can be used in a New York action instead of an affidavit. Therefore, I make this affidavit to induce the issuance of a duplicate check in the above said amount. Do I fill the Affidavit of Identity out before going to a notary? Do Affidavits of Identity expire?