(name of person serving papers). 18 years of age and resides at.After the Affidavit of Service is done, it must be filed with the Court. 1. Collect the names and addresses of all parties involved. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: Signature of Plaintiff Sworn to before me this day of , _______ . Sample Forms ; Form 1 - Notice of Petition ; Form 2 - Affidavit of Verification ; Form 3 - Affidavit of Personal Service (REQUIRED FOR PROOF OF SERVICE OF PETITION). I, (print your name). , declare under penalty of perjury that I served a copy of the attached (list the names of the documents you served):. This article provides a comprehensive sample of an affidavit letter, guiding readers through the essential components and format.