The New York State Court of Appeals adopted a new rule requiring applicants for admission to the New York State bar to perform 50 hours of pro bono services. Completing your Affidavit: • If you are using more than one project to satisfy the 50 hour requirement, you must submit an affidavit for each project.MANDATORY 50-HOUR PRO BONO REQUIREMENT. Beginning in January 2013, a new rule affecting bar admission in New York will be in effect. Please keep in mind that many free legal aid services are based on an individuals need and proof of indigency may be required. All affidavits must include the signature of the project's supervising attorney. After filling out your summons form completely, you must present it to the Clerk for signature and seal before it is valid to serve on the defendants. The NY Bar has also created a great FAQ guide. Why volunteer for pro bono. The State Bar of California encourages attorneys to perform pro bono work in the course of their careers.