Fill out and file legal documents. This includes a Civil Cover Sheet, Petition for Name Change, Verification, Order, Notice, and Decree.The consulate official asked me to obtain an Affidavit from my mother stating that both names are the same person. To obtain an Affidavit of Correction, you need to download the form from the PennDOT website, fill it out accurately, and submit it. To obtain a legal name change in Pennsylvania, an applicant must submit a petition to the court. An applicant must also obtain a fingerprint card. Name Change: When an individual legally changes their name, they may need to use an Affidavit of Identity to confirm their previous and new names. To legally change your name in the state of Pennsylvania in any situation other than a marriage or divorce, you must obtain a court order. This affidavit is being submitted to clarify a difference between the name listed on certain documents and the affiant's true name. How do I change my Pennsylvania driver's license or identification card?