By signing this Affidavit below, you represent that you have established a valid marriage under common law. I verify that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct.I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. Learn how to complete a marriage affidavit template with our stepbystep guide for newlyweds. Complete Personal Information. An affidavit of marriage is a legal document and a sworn statement submitted to the court or another institution, to verify that two people are married. Examples of proof are affidavits from the officiant, witnesses, bridal party, photographs and a copy of the program. An I130 affidavit is a written statement from friends, family members, or associates who can attest to the genuine nature of your marriage. Download and view forms related to the Register of Wills, marriage licenses, Orphan's Court, and adoption. It is a statement indicating that you have resided in Pennsylvania for at least six months before filing the divorce. Complaint. 4.