An Affidavit is a sworn statement made before a notary public which explains to the court why your request should be granted. Affidavit - Written statement made under oath.An affidavit is a type of verified statement or showing, or containing a verification, meaning it is made under oath on penalty of perjury. It comes from a past tense form of the Latin verb affidare, meaning "to pledge"; in Latin, affidavit translates to "he or she has made a pledge. ELIGIBILITY FOR RESENTENCING: To be assigned an attorney, the first thing you will need to show is that you meet the initial qualifications for resentencing. A written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court. Complete the online form and print it, or complete the form that is mailed to you. An affidavit is a statement made under oath, claiming that a fact or set of facts is true to the best of the "affiant's" knowledge. 2. (the "Applicant") is employed as.