If you have received a jury summons, access the juror web portal for confirmation of reporting time, date, and location instructions. Riverside County Department of Public Social Services. AFFIDAVIT.In order to complete the enrollment process, all information in the online form must be completed. What is the Homestead Declaration? If you own a home, this program may protect your home equity from judgments, liens, and creditors. How to Apply: To apply or to find out more about CAPI benefits in Riverside County, please call IHSS HOME at 888-960-4477. Close. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. MC-030. Please mail this form, with the proper documentation, to Riverside Express at PO Box 1515,. Put a fraud alert on your license. Go to your local DMV to request a new number.