Learn how to fill out an affidavit correctly with this comprehensive guide. Discover the steps, types, and when you might need an affidavit.General Affidavits are written statements of fact used to support your case or verify facts that are sworn to be true in front of a notary public. By my signature below, I swear and affirm that I am the owner of the property. Check out the top of Section 2 on page 2, you can bring a Texas residency affidavit from someone who resides at the same address. The Office of the Texas Secretary of State (the Office) is the only state agency authorized to issue certificates to authenticate Texas public records. An Affidavit of Residence is a legal document that provides sworn testimony and verification of a person's residence. The name and address of the benefit issuing agency or institution submitting the. Directions: The completed form must be submitted via the Document Uploader. We provide Texas Secretary of State, U.S Department of State, and embassy document legalization, apostille, and authentication services in San Antonio, TX.