Affidavits of Non-Prosecution are designed for a victim of a criminal charge to file in the event that they do not want the accused of the crime to be formally In Texas, the person that's alleged to have been assaulted in a family violence case can take an affidavit of non-prosecution to the police station.There isn't always a form to fill out. You can contact their office and make sure they know your wishes. An affidavit of nonprosecution is a sworn document in which the plaintiff expresses their desire not to prosecute the case or participate in the prosecution. If there becomes a conflict of interest, then the lawyer can tell you so. You can go to either the police who took your complaint or to the prosecuting agency and request to file the affidavit. You must have a copy of your police report(s) to file a charge. I have learned enough in my almost three years of prosecuting misdemeanors to identify those cases I will see on the trial docket as opposed to the plea docket. By completing this affidavit, the victim informs the Court and the District Attorney's office of their intention, which may lead to the dismissal of charges.