If you ever need a document filled out or one notarized, call Cory at Trusted Documents and she handle all the rest! Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process.Digital ID signatures are required on forms that are emailed or uploaded. Verify statements for legal matters and business transactions using our California general affidavit form template. This general affidavit form is available for use on UpCounsel. Download this free affidavit form below and have it customized for your unique legal needs today. Is an affidavit proof in a courtroom or for that matter evidence? If so, are Trump's affidavits that he has signed from people evidence? (Please fill out, Print, and sign the Miscellaneous Application, and submit it to the consulate along with the supporting documents.) 2. After the hearing, file the signed Order for Probate and Letters in the Clerk's Office and get certified copies, if desired.