The undersigned, being first duly sworn, states as follows: 1. How do I fill this out?Filling out this affidavit requires specific details regarding the lost promissory note. What is an Affidavit of Identity? An Affidavit of Loss is a document that is used when someone has lost an item and needs to swear to the circumstances of its loss. An Affidavit of Loss is a document that is used when someone has lost an item and needs to swear to the circumstances of its loss. So long story short, I lost my wallet last week. Any information you enter into the form fields will be lost when the PDF file is closed. (for example, credit cards, birth certificate, driver's license, Social Security card, etc.) were: _____ stolen _____ lost on or about . Parent completing the affidavit) had sexual intercourse which resulted in the child's conception.