14. 15. Declaro bajo pena de perjurio conforme a las leyes del estado de Washington que la renuncia es verdadera y correcta. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the facts I have provided on this form (and any attachments) are true.Trámite: personal y semipresencial. Forms have bilingual format for your convenience, but must be completed and filed with the court in English. Modelo sólo para fines de referencia. This packet tells you what should be included in a Declaration and tips on how to write one. Le adjuntamos a continuación el formulario que usted ha solicitado. Fill out our requirements form with your trip details to learn more about visa requirements for wherever you're headed . Greenville County Schools FORMS. Download forms and open in Adobe Acrobat to access fillable option.