Use Apartment Guide to find short term lease apartments for rent in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. See 88 short term and corporate rentals within Allegheny West in Pittsburgh, PA with Apartment Finder - The Nation's Trusted Source for Apartment Renters.See 84 short term and corporate rentals within Allegheny Center in Pittsburgh, PA with Apartment Finder - The Nation's Trusted Source for Apartment Renters. Enjoy all the comforts of home as you tour the Allegheny National Forest region. For assistance completing the form, call 717-787-1064. Remitting the Tax using myPATH. Out of 100 WalkScore® Rating. Waking up in an apartment you love is the best way to start your day. Renting an apartment or house is one of the most important decisions we can make. New homes are getting added all the time.