In Chicago, landlords must approve reasonable sublease requests unless the property is owneroccupied with six or fewer units. Simplify your subleasing process with our Chicago Sublease Agreement.Easily edit, fill and sign for free with Lumin. Also known as a subletting, this arrangement allows someone to rent a home from someone else who is already renting the property. The Rental Assistance Program (RAP) provides funding to Chicagoans who are at risk of becoming homeless. A sublease, or a sublease agreement, is when a landlord and tenant agree to rent out the unit to another resident not originally on the lease agreement. Talk with your landlord. If they're a smaller one, they may let you break the lease at no charge. Domu's free Chicago apartment lease form will help you simplify the leasing process. Chicago's Department of Housing (DOH) expands access and choice for residents and protects their right to quality homes that are affordable, safe, and healthy.