Fill in the complete address of the rental unit, including the unit number (or apartment or suite number) and the postal code. Rent from a landlord with a small number of units; they are less likely to run a full background check.Step 1: Learn how the eviction process works. Step 2: Identify the type of notice. Learn the ten basic steps to file a "formal" eviction case, including how to set a "show cause" hearing at the start of your case. Tenants planning to move out can ask their landlord to inspect the apartment (or rental home or other type of home rental) before the move-out date. Landlord Serves a Zero to SevenDay Eviction Notice. Full eviction pricelist and explanations. Notices: A sublessor must give the subtenant seven days' written notice to pay rent or leave the property if they can't pay rent. The landlord cannot raise the rent during the term (except in certain kinds of subsidized housing units).