I would say: look in Facebook housing groups and Craigslist for sublets. The roommate with a good credit score can sign the lease and you can directly sublease from them.If you share an apartment, then whoever has good credit will rent it, and expect to be paid the share of the person who has bad credit. If your credit score or payment history does not meet the property's criteria and they are not willing to accept any solutions, do not pay an application fee. I have a fully furnished 1bedroom apartment for rent available for immediate move in, no credit or background check, DM me for more info. Proof of a responsible rental history: Bring copies of payments you've made for your last rental, if applicable. Renting with bad credit or no credit is possible. These tips will help you rent an apartment so you can focus on boosting your credit score. This booklet helps people renting a place to live understand their legal rights. It is a general guide and is not meant to answer all questions.