According to Michigan subletting laws, tenants must obtain written approval from their landlord to sublet unless their lease agreement explicitly allows it. Are you a small business looking for commercial property?Create your Michigan sublease agreement, and sublet your property. Rent your unit to a subtenant with a free template. Interested in commercial retail or non-profit office leasing opportunities at Cadillac Place? Use our step-by-step builder to create a Commercial Real Estate Application. They will need to fill out an application and be approved before we are able to put them on the lease. The tenant is required to obtain permission from the landlord if they do not have the rights to sublet the property. In Michigan, if you commercially lease your property for less than a year, then you can make a verbal agreement. ContractsCounsel has assisted 35 clients with commercial sublease agreement templates and maintains a network of 38 real estate lawyers available daily.