A commercial lease is real property leased or rented for commercial purposes - land or structure. Forms. Introduction. All forms are in PDF format and require a PDF viewer (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader) for viewing.All forms are fillable. Residential Rental is the rental of real property for a period of 30 or more consecutive days for residential purposes only and not commercial. In this video, we go over everything you need to know about Arizona sublease agreements for rental properties. We have the expertise to finance real estate ventures that can provide solid returns and leverage for future endeavors. (a) Lease Term: The Lease Term shall commence as of the Lease Term Commencement. You should give them a notice to vacate after at least five days. If they don't leave within the timeframe, you can file an eviction action with the court. § 407 How must a Commercial Lease address ownership of Improvements?