There are four categories of leases now here's what I want to tell you about this. These categories have nothing to do with how rent is paid.:51 Go to channel Ch 12 Property Management Pt 1 Intro through BTCF formula Travis Everette•20K views Unit 2 1 Video Presentation Introduction to Real Estate, Appurtenances, and Fixtures. A contract is whatever the two parties agree to it. There is no such thing as standard contract in the sense that you have to use this. Run your numbers like a pro with this simple yet powerful calculator. You will generally use Schedule E of form 1040 to report your rental income and expenses. You couldn't actually get paid to be a real estate broker, a real estate agent in a transaction unless you have a written agency agreement. We helped a media firm secure a fully-furnished and wired full floor sublease space at a steep discount to market rates.