I would say: look in Facebook housing groups and Craigslist for sublets. I signed a lease for an apartment in NYC and just found out that I will have to leave the area in 5 months.Subletting it is illegal. For instance, if the proposed tenant has a poor credit history, is unemployed, etc. The landlord could refuse to sublet. Before you fill out an application, ask the landlord if they do a credit check. I have a fully furnished 1bedroom apartment for rent available for immediate move in, no credit or background check, DM me for more info. We are a place to post and search for New York City and New Jersey leasebreaks, furnished short-term rentals, sublets, 12-month rentals, and shares. Does anyone know of apartment complexes or landlords that rent to people with bad credit? The most important thing to remember is that you are the one that's responsible for the subletter.