I would say: look in Facebook housing groups and Craigslist for sublets. Of course you can sublet, even its against your lease terms.Just be prepared for eviction when the landlord finds out. You are entitled to request permission to sublet from the owner, and the owner may not unreasonably refuse such permission. Subletting or sharing an apartment can bypass credit checks, as these arrangements often require less documentation. We are a place to post and search for New York City and New Jersey leasebreaks, furnished short-term rentals, sublets, 12-month rentals, and shares. Upon return of the signed sublease, you will receive a link to make your damage deposit and prepaid rent deposit payment via credit card. If you would like to sublease your apartment, you must first tell your landlord that you want to do this. Can include any of the Triangle neighborhoods. Try offering references, getting a roommate, paying a larger deposit or working with an individual landlord.