"(Personalized Seal)" in the following examples means a seal containing the words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points, the notary. 2103. Adoption Proceedings - Request for Official Certificate or Apostille - for use in proceedings relating to the adoption of one or more children.(Personalized Seal). Instructions for completing an Absent Applicant Affidavit. ALL Affidavit's must be Notarized. This guide includes forms and instructions for a letter and affidavit to request that the court register an outofstate custody order in Texas. This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. General Affidavits are written statements of fact used to support your case or verify facts that are sworn to be true in front of a notary public. In filling out the affidavit you need to make sure that 1) all the court information, jurisdiction, charges, etc. An Affidavit of NonProsecution is a pretty standard form.