Parents or legal guardians will need to provide the following documents: Proof of Residency in Fairfax County. To obtain this affidavit, first prepare a document with your accurate address details.The original Complaint must be filed with the Civil Intake Section located on the 3rd floor of the Fairfax County Courthouse. Proof of residency: A deed, lease agreement, or resident manager's letter is acceptable. Supporting documentation may be required. Affidavit and Reaffirmation of Affidavit forms are available below in PDF format. If parents are living with another family within the Mentor School District, they must provide a residency affidavit. , elimination of Leaseholder or Homeowner Affidavit and copy of lease or deed for those living in the home of someone else. III. However, the nonresident student enrolled in a District public school will be required to pay nonresident tuition. I understand that I need to fill out a Small Estate Affidavit for collection of property.