NOTE: New Notaries must complete a state-required Notary training course. Enter the same name and signature you used when completing the oath of office section.7 Notary Education Course (Optional for renewing notaries). The notary application packet and the notice of name change form may be downloaded in Adobe's Acrobat PDF format for viewing or printing at your site. Follow the instructions carefully to complete your application online using our Florida Notary Application Wizard or download a blank form. Requirements for applying to be a notary public: Applicant must fill out application and return this application to the County Clerk's office. How do I apply to become an online notary with OneNotary? To become an online notary with OneNotary, simply register with us and fill out an application form. To qualify for a public office a person must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and be in compliance with Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA 8-18-101). Applicant's Printed Name Exactly As You Wish To Appear On Notary Commission.