Detailed interactive instructions on how to fill out a Pennsylvania Notary application. Please contact the Clerk of Superior Court of your county of residence to obtain an application.This tool allows Pennsylvania notaries public and prospective notaries public to apply for and renew their notary commissions in an efficient paperless process. This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. Step 1: Complete a notary application and bring it to the Clerk of Superior Court in your county of residence. If you are applying to become a Georgia notary for the first time or are renewing your current notary commission, please download and complete the form below. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and a resident of Georgia or employed within the state. Apply to be a Notary. If you're looking to become a notary in Pennsylvania, or to renew your commission, you can start your application here. All Notary Public of America's forms are interactive, so they can either be downloaded and printed, or filled out online and then printed.