Detailed interactive instructions on how to fill out an Illinois Notary application. To become a non-resident notary public, you must be a resident of a qualifying bordering state, which includes Iowa,.American Association of Notaries offers free step-by-step instructions on how to complete your Illinois notary application and apply to become an Illinois This online service allows you to either: (1) apply for a new Notary Public Commission; (2) renew a Notary Public Commission; (3) add Electronic Notary. Take an approved Notary study course and pass the exam. Complete the Application: Go to the Illinois Secretary of State's website to fill out the online application form. Information about Georgia Notary Application and how to get a notary certification in the State of Georgia. Completing an application. 3. Step 1: Complete a notary application and bring it to the Clerk of Superior Court in your county of residence. 1. Complete the Notary Application: The Illinois notary application is attached to the Illinois notary bond form.