Detailed interactive instructions on how to fill out a Pennsylvania Notary application. Licensure Requirements.This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. This tool allows Pennsylvania notaries public and prospective notaries public to apply for and renew their notary commissions in an efficient paperless process. Complete the Notary Public Application form to become a new Minnesota notary, renew your commission, reappointment because your commission expired. Step 1: Download and complete the application to become a Minnesota notary public. Complete a notary public application on the Pennsylvania Department of State's website. In Minnesota, you must complete a notary public application online through the Minnesota Secretary of State's website. Complete the Notary Public Application form to become a new Minnesota notary, renew your commission, reappointment because your commission expired. Complete the Pennsylvania Electronic Notary Public Application.