Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. These FLORIDA-specific notarial certificates and forms are being provided for your convenience.All are statutory as referenced in the form description. The purpose of this form is to verify the status of a person acting as parent pursuant to School Board Policy 5.011. As a Notary, how do you stay impartial if the signer is your relative? The notary application packet and the notice of name change form may be downloaded in Adobe's Acrobat PDF format for viewing or printing at your site. This form should be used in any case involving parental responsibility for, custody of, or time-sharing or visitation with, any minor child(ren). The notary application packet and the notice of name change form may be downloaded in Adobe's Acrobat PDF format for viewing or printing at your site. Where it says (line to fill out) To Wit: what goes in the line? E.g. officer, trustee, attorney in fact) for (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed). (Seal).