You are required to complete all applicable items before you will be issued an amended commission. 1. Print your full legal name – first, middle last.In order to be appointed as a notary public, please contact the California Secretary of State, Notary Information at (916) 653-3595. If the judge approves your request to change your name, you will get a Decree. That's the document you will use to change your name on all your legal documents. Send us a copy along with the notarized affidavit of identity and signed authorized agent forms for completing the filing and publication process. If a Notary changes his or her name, a Notary Public Name Change form must be filed with the Secretary of State. Any time owners make a change to the title of real estate, they must record a deed with the County Recorder. This Step-by-Step guide outlines the requirements. Online Form Preparation and eFiling, Pay a Traffic Ticket, Probate Notes, Remote Access Resource List, Self-Help Resources, Forms and Rules