To become a Notary Public in the State of Utah, you must meet all of the following qualifications: Be 18 years of age or older. In most states, the general rule is that certificates must comply substantially with the requirements found within their statutes.Our comprehensive Utah Notary Training Course is meticulously designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your role as a notary public in the state of Utah. To get a notary public license, you must be: 2. Gather the necessary documents 3. The Washington Notary Training Course is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to become a Washington notary. Flexible Learning: Study when and where it suits you, ensuring you can balance your education with your other commitments. Learn how to get your Utah notary public certification and required surety bond in seven simple steps! Meet the eligibility requirements listed in the next section. Complete a Notary Public Commission Application, which includes the oath of office.