If you would prefer to complete all required forms electronically, please access the Back to. The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides an environment for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom.Discuss how your personal values and beliefs are and are not compatible with the professional standard. Notice: The Judges assigned to the Probate Division of the Seventeenth Judicial. Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida are pleased to present this. Learn how to write a cover letter for a confidential job posting so you can impress hiring managers even without knowing the company's name. Your former employer must complete the Verification of Non-Teaching Related Work Experience Credit Form and attach a Job Description for your position(s). As a Private Instructional Personnel providing services to the abovenamed student in a Broward County Public. All answers that your child gives will be kept private. This is so because this study has been given a Certificate of Confidentiality.